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From China with love
2 septembre 2010

Le jeudi, c'est citation

jeudicestcitationPour ma première participation à ce jeudi, rien de bien essentiel, juste un petit dialogue, comme ça, pris au hasard de ma lecture, qui m'a donné le sourire pour la soireé.

Darcy peered narrowly at his valet. "Memorable, eh? And why should I want to style myself in a 'memorable' fashion tomorrow?"

The regard Fletcher turned to him at his question was a portrait of professionalism piqued. "Mr. Darcy, sir! I have a reputation to maintain!"

"In Hertfordshire?"

"In whatevershire you happen to be, sir. It is my duty, sir, to see you turned out in a manner in keeping with your station and the occasion." Fletcher continued with his preparations, investing them with an increased dignity.

"And services at  a country church require a 'memorable' turnout?" Darcy probed, his suspicions aroused by Flectcher's protestations.

"Pardon me, sir, but I was under the apprehension that the Lord was equally present at a 'country church' as he is in London at Saint             's."

Pamela Aidan, A novel of Fitzwilliam Darcy gentleman: An assembly such as this, Touchstone, p. 122

Chiffonnette, je ne vois vraiment pas :D
Il me fait trèèèèès envie celui-ci!! On se demande bien pourquoi... :-)